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Email Marketing Tools and Techniques

How to Create an Add to Calendar Link in Mailchimp

Curious about how to create an Add to Calendar link in Mailchimp? Learn how to enhance user experience and boost event attendance.



creating add to calendar link

Creating an “Add to Calendar” link in Mailchimp is done through a few easy steps, substantially enhancing the user experience. By integrating AddEvent, we seamlessly allow our audience to include events in their calendars, thus greatly boosting both participation and involvement in these events.

This feature has proved to be a game-changer for many businesses, but the process of setting it up can be a bit intricate. However, with the right guidance, anyone can master it and take their email campaigns to the next level.

Key Takeaways

  • Add to Calendar links in Mailchimp provide numerous benefits, including enhancing user experience, boosting event attendance and engagement, increasing visibility of events, and streamlining the process for recipients.
  • To get started with Add to Calendar links in Mailchimp, create a new event using AddEvent, obtain the event link from AddEvent, incorporate the link into the Mailchimp email using the classic builder, and format the link correctly with the http or https protocol.
  • Event links in Mailchimp can be located by clicking on the event and selecting 'Edit event' for Google Calendar, or clicking on the Settings gear icon and selecting 'Edit' for Outlook. The event link can then be integrated into the Mailchimp email content with the help of Mailchimp's help articles and support.
  • When creating calendar event links in Mailchimp, access the campaign builder, click on 'Edit Design' to customize the email, insert the event URL for the calendar link, customize the appearance and functionality of the links, and ensure the URLs support the http and https protocols.

Getting Started With Add to Calendar Link

Let's begin by understanding how to create an Add to Calendar link in Mailchimp. When getting started with Add to Calendar links, the first step is to create a new event using AddEvent, a popular app for generating calendar buttons.

Once the event is created, the next step involves obtaining the link for the event. In AddEvent, this can be done by navigating to the event and selecting the 'Add to Calendar' option, which will provide the necessary link for the event.


After obtaining the event link, the next step is to incorporate it into the Mailchimp email. This can be achieved by using the classic builder in Mailchimp.

Within the email editor, users can insert the link using the 'insert link' option, ensuring that the link is formatted correctly with the http or https protocol to ensure compatibility with various calendar apps.

Locating Event Links in Mailchimp

finding event urls in mailchimp

After creating the event link using AddEvent, the next step is to integrate it into the Mailchimp email so that recipients can easily add the event to their calendars. In Mailchimp, locating event links is relatively straightforward. Here's how you can find the information you need to add event links to your Mailchimp emails:

Platform How to Locate Event Link
Google Calendar Click on the event and select "Edit event."
Outlook Click on the Settings gear icon and select "Edit."

Once you have located the event link in Google Calendar or Outlook, you can easily integrate it into your Mailchimp email content. If you encounter any difficulties, Mailchimp's help articles are a valuable resource. Additionally, you can access email and chat support to resolve any issues you may encounter while adding event links to your Mailchimp campaigns. By following these steps and utilizing the available resources, you can seamlessly incorporate event links into your Mailchimp emails, allowing your recipients to effortlessly add events to their calendars.

Creating Calendar Event Links in Mailchimp


To effectively incorporate calendar event links into Mailchimp emails, consider leveraging the platform's campaign builder and utilizing the provided tools for seamless integration.

Creating add-to-calendar links in Mailchimp is an essential aspect of designing engaging email content. To create a calendar event link, access the campaign builder and click on 'Edit Design'. Insert the event URL and customize the appearance and functionality of the links to ensure they align with your email design and branding.

It's crucial to ensure that the URLs used for calendar event links support the http and https protocols, as this is a requirement for linking within campaigns on platforms like Google Calendar and Outlook.

By incorporating these links into your Mailchimp emails, you can significantly enhance user experience, boost event attendance, and improve engagement. Furthermore, providing a quick and convenient way for recipients to add events to their calendars can enhance the visibility of your events and streamline the process for your audience.

Integrating Add to Calendar Links in Email Campaigns

email campaigns with calendar integrations

By harnessing the power of calendar event links, we can seamlessly integrate the functionality of adding events to recipients' calendars in our email campaigns. To achieve this, we utilized the AddEvent Calendar Links app, which allowed us to create and incorporate Add to Calendar links directly into our marketing emails using Mailchimp.

Initially, we encountered some challenges when attempting to generate the calendar links and integrate them into our email campaigns. However, the help articles provided by AddEvent proved to be invaluable. They not only guided us through the process of creating the links but also offered solutions when the integration with Mailchimp didn't work as expected.

After setting up an AddEvent account, we followed a step-by-step video that showed us how to add events and generate the necessary calendar links. The help articles are easy to follow and provided us with the information required to ensure that the links were compatible with both Google Calendar and Outlook.

In case of any issues, we were able to contact Support to resolve them, accessing help via email and chat, which proved to be efficient and effective.

Enhancing Engagement With Add to Calendar Links

As we explored the process of integrating Add to Calendar links into our email campaigns, we discovered the potential to significantly enhance engagement through this feature. By incorporating add-to-calendar links in our emails, we can keep our audience informed and engaged with upcoming events. The new email builder in Mailchimp allows seamless integration of these links, making it easier for recipients to add events to their calendars directly from the email.


Additionally, using the Apps content block in the new email builder enables us to include dynamic and interactive content, further enhancing user engagement. Furthermore, designing an email with clear and compelling call-to-action buttons for adding events to calendars can significantly improve user interaction.

By leveraging these strategies, we can help our audience effortlessly sync event details with their calendars, ultimately increasing event attendance and overall engagement.

  1. Use the new email builder to seamlessly integrate add-to-calendar links.
  2. Utilize the Apps content block to include dynamic and interactive content in emails.
  3. Design compelling call-to-action buttons for adding events to calendars to enhance user interaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Add an Add to Calendar Button in Mailchimp?


To add an 'Add to Calendar' button in Mailchimp, simply go to the Content section of the campaign builder and click Edit Design.

Then, insert the event URL, highlight it, and click the link icon in the toolbar to insert it as a web address.


This feature boosts event attendance, increases engagement, and provides a quick way for customers to add events to their calendar, enhancing overall user experience.

How Do You Create an Add to Calendar Link?

We create an add-to-calendar link by obtaining the event URL from Google Calendar or Outlook. Then, we add it to our Mailchimp email using the campaign builder.

Testing the links before sending the campaign and customizing their appearance enhances user experience. This process ensures users can easily add events to their calendars, increasing engagement and attendance.

Mastering these steps allows for seamless integration of calendar links into our email campaigns.


Does Mailchimp Have a Calendar Feature?

Yes, Mailchimp does have a calendar feature. It allows us to add an iCal link or button to our campaigns, enabling users to add events to their calendar.

We can also integrate AddEvent to add calendar events to our email campaigns, and track clicks on calendar event links using custom links or URL shorteners like bitly.

Mailchimp's support options include forums for asking questions and accessing additional resources.

Can You Create an Event in Mailchimp?


Yes, we can create events in Mailchimp.

It's a simple process where we access the content section of the campaign builder, insert the event URL, and customize the link's appearance.

This feature is beneficial for boosting event attendance, increasing engagement, and providing a convenient way for customers to add events to their calendar.

It enhances event visibility and improves the user experience.



So, by following these simple steps, we can easily create add-to-calendar links in Mailchimp and boost our event attendance and engagement.

Let's not miss out on any more events – let's make it easier for our audience to add our events to their calendars and stay engaged.

After all, a well-organized calendar can make life a little less chaotic and a lot more fun!

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Email Marketing Tools and Techniques

In Mailchimp What Does Cleaned Mean

At first glance, the term 'Cleaned' in Mailchimp seems simple, but its impact on your email marketing might surprise you.




mailchimp cleaned email addresses

We’ve all experienced this – carefully designing the ideal email campaign, only to discover that a large number of our contacts are listed as ‘Cleaned’ in Mailchimp.

Did you know that, on average, 20.5% of email addresses in a typical list decay each year? The term 'Cleaned' might seem straightforward, but the implications and reasons behind it are often overlooked.

Understanding why contacts get 'Cleaned' in Mailchimp and the impact it has on your email marketing efforts is crucial for maintaining a healthy subscriber list and maximizing your campaign's effectiveness.

So, what exactly does 'Cleaned' mean in Mailchimp, and how can you ensure it doesn't hinder your marketing goals?

Key Takeaways

  • Cleaned contacts in Mailchimp are those that have experienced hard bounces or repeated soft bounces, indicating potential deliverability issues.
  • Regularly reviewing and addressing cleaned contacts is crucial for maintaining sender reputation and maximizing marketing effectiveness.
  • Contacts can be labeled as cleaned due to reasons such as incorrect or fake email addresses, unregistered email domains, or server refusal.
  • Managing cleaned contacts involves removing contacts with hard bounces and monitoring and addressing contacts with repeated soft bounces, while also utilizing data management tools to cleanse and update the contact list.

Understanding 'Cleaned' Contacts in Mailchimp

Understanding 'Cleaned' Contacts in Mailchimp helps maintain sender reputation and prevent deliverability issues by identifying contacts with delivery problems. Cleaned contacts are those that have experienced hard bounces, indicating permanent delivery failures, or repeated soft bounces, signifying temporary delivery issues.

Mailchimp designates these contacts as 'cleaned' to enforce email marketing best practices and uphold sender reputation. It's vital to monitor and manage cleaned contacts as they can impact the success of marketing campaigns.

High bounce rates, whether from hard or soft bounces, can pose significant challenges to email deliverability and sender reputation. By regularly reviewing and addressing cleaned contacts, businesses can uphold the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Additionally, ensuring compliance with privacy policies and promptly removing unsubscribed contacts and invalid email addresses can contribute to maintaining a clean and deliverable contact list. Utilizing tools like Insycle can further aid in cleansing and standardizing Mailchimp data, ultimately reducing bounces and enhancing the precision of marketing campaigns.

Reasons for Contacts Being 'Cleaned' in Mailchimp

mailchimp cleaning contact reasons

When a contact is labeled as 'Cleaned' in Mailchimp, it signifies that the last email sent to that address resulted in a hard bounce or there were repeated soft bounces in succession. A hard bounce happens when an email can't be delivered to the intended address permanently, often due to reasons like an incorrect or fake email address, an unregistered email domain, or a server refusing to accept the emails.

Mailchimp marks an email as 'cleaned' to enforce best practices for handling bounced emails and maintain a good email sender reputation. It's crucial to keep the bounce rate below 2% to avoid deliverability issues and harm to the email sender reputation.

In a Mailchimp account, contacts may be cleaned due to several reasons, such as non-subscribed contacts, outdated email lists, or invalid email addresses. To maintain a clean email sender reputation and ensure successful email marketing campaigns, it's essential to regularly clean and update the email list. This process involves removing non-subscribed contacts, identifying and correcting invalid email addresses, and managing bounces effectively.

Impact of 'Cleaned' Contacts on Mailchimp Charges

The presence of 'cleaned' contacts in Mailchimp doesn't impact the charges associated with the email marketing activities. Mailchimp's pricing structure is primarily based on the number of subscribed contacts and not on the presence of 'cleaned' contacts. Charges are designed to align with the number of subscribed contacts and the level of features or services used, rather than the total number of contacts, including those marked as 'cleaned.'

In Mailchimp, 'cleaned' contacts are email addresses that have generated hard bounces or repeated soft bounces. These contacts are flagged as 'cleaned' to prevent further sending of emails to addresses that are consistently bouncing. However, this designation doesn't affect the pricing structure. Whether a contact is marked as 'cleaned' or not, it doesn't impact the cost of using Mailchimp for email campaigns.


Understanding the impact of 'cleaned' contacts on Mailchimp charges is essential for effectively managing contacts in Mailchimp. It allows users to focus on maintaining a healthy email list and optimizing their email marketing efforts without having to worry about additional charges based on 'cleaned' contacts.

Managing 'Cleaned' Contacts in Mailchimp

organizing contacts in mailchimp

How do 'cleaned' contacts in Mailchimp affect email deliverability and sender reputation?

When a contact is marked as ‘Cleaned' in Mailchimp, it means that the email sent to that contact has bounced due to reasons such as the email being too large or the recipient's inbox being full. This can impact email deliverability and sender reputation as Mailchimp marks contacts as ‘cleaned' to maintain best practices and uphold sender reputation.

To manage ‘cleaned' contacts in Mailchimp, it's crucial to ensure that the contact list is regularly cleansed and updated. This involves removing contacts with a history of hard bounces, as these indicate permanent delivery failures, and monitoring and addressing those with repeated soft bounces, which are temporary.

Additionally, using data management tools like Insycle can help cleanse, declutter, and standardize Mailchimp data, reducing bounces and maintaining a clean email sender reputation.


Ultimately, managing ‘cleaned' contacts in Mailchimp requires vigilance and proactive maintenance to ensure optimal email deliverability and sender reputation.

Preventing 'Cleaned' Contacts in Mailchimp

To prevent 'cleaned' contacts in Mailchimp, regularly monitoring and promptly addressing bounce issues is essential. Here are some key strategies to help prevent contacts from being marked as 'cleaned':

  • Understand the difference between hard and soft bounces to take appropriate action when an email bounces multiple times.
  • Maintain a clean and accurate email list to ensure a low bounce rate and a positive email sender reputation.
  • Utilize Insycle to cleanse and standardize Mailchimp data, reducing the likelihood of contacts being marked as 'cleaned'.
  • Purge garbage data from your Mailchimp database to keep it clean and optimize email marketing efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does It Mean if a Contact Is Cleaned in Mailchimp?

If a contact is cleaned in Mailchimp, it means their email address has either hard bounced or experienced multiple soft bounces. This status is crucial for maintaining a good sender reputation and ensuring deliverability.

We must keep the bounce rate below 2% to avoid issues.


Insycle can help cleanse Mailchimp data to reduce soft and hard bounces, improve personalization, and maintain a clean sender reputation, ensuring the effectiveness of email marketing efforts.

What Does It Mean for an Email to Be Cleaned?

In Mailchimp, when an email is marked as 'cleaned,' it means that the last email sent to that address hard bounced or there have been repeated soft bounces. This is important to maintain a good sender reputation and deliverability.

It's crucial to keep the bounce rate below 2% to avoid issues.

Insycle can help cleanse Mailchimp data to reduce bounces and maintain a clean email sender reputation.


How Do I Fix a Cleaned Email in Mailchimp?

To fix a cleaned email in Mailchimp, we need to address the underlying issue that caused it to be marked as cleaned.

This could involve updating the email address, resolving delivery issues, or re-engaging with the contact.

It's crucial to maintain a healthy email list to ensure optimal deliverability.

Regularly reviewing and updating contact information, along with following best practices for email marketing, can help prevent emails from being marked as cleaned in the future.


How Do I Remove Cleaned Contacts From Mailchimp Audience?

To remove cleaned contacts from Mailchimp audience, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Audience section.
  2. Select the specific audience you want to work with.
  3. Go to the Manage Contacts dropdown.
  4. Choose 'View Contacts' and filter for cleaned contacts.
  5. Select all cleaned contacts.
  6. Click 'Actions' and then 'Remove.'
  7. Confirm the removal.

Regularly cleaning contacts has several benefits:

  • It ensures a healthy email sender reputation.
  • It improves campaign performance.
  • It helps maintain an organized and engaged audience in Mailchimp.


In conclusion, it's crucial to understand the implications of 'cleaned' contacts in Mailchimp. By managing and preventing 'cleaned' contacts, we can maintain a good sender reputation and avoid deliverability issues.

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keep your email list clean and your bounce rate low to ensure successful email campaigns.

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Email Marketing Tools and Techniques

How to Make Mailchimp Popup in WordPress

Simplify the process of creating a Mailchimp popup in WordPress and see a significant boost in subscriber numbers – find out how!




creating mailchimp popup wordpress

Have you ever considered the best way to gather potential customer contacts on your WordPress site through Mailchimp?

It’s often said that implementing a Mailchimp popup can significantly boost subscriber numbers, but the process can seem daunting.

We’ve recently discovered a straightforward method to create a Mailchimp popup in WordPress that is not only easy to set up but also customizable to fit your specific branding and messaging needs.

Join us as we explore the step-by-step process of making a Mailchimp popup in WordPress, including customizing the form, generating the necessary code, and seamlessly integrating it into your website.

You won’t want to miss the potential this simple yet powerful tool holds for expanding your subscriber base.


Key Takeaways

  • Setting up a Mailchimp account is the first step in creating a popup form in WordPress.
  • Customizing the popup form to match the branding of the website is important for a cohesive user experience.
  • Using a time delay for the popup form can be effective in capturing visitors’ attention at the right moment.
  • Integrating Mailchimp with WordPress can be done using a plugin, which allows for easy management of the popup form and customization options.

Setting up Mailchimp Account

To set up your Mailchimp account, we’ll begin by navigating to the Mailchimp website and clicking on the ‘Sign Up’ button.

Once on the site, you can easily create signup forms using Mailchimp’s form builder. Mailchimp offers various types of forms, including the Pop-Up Signup Form, Embedded Signup Form, and more. These forms can be customized to match your site’s branding and can be set to appear automatically for visitors.

After signing up for a Mailchimp account, you can start building your email list and creating your audience. Mailchimp provides a pop-up form builder that allows you to design and customize how the pop-up will appear on your site. By using the pop-up form, you can control when and how the pop-up appears to your visitors, making it less intrusive.

Additionally, Mailchimp allows you to automatically create signup forms for your audience, making the process of collecting email addresses seamless.

Once your Mailchimp account is set up, you’ll be ready to integrate the signup forms into your website and start growing your email list.

Creating the Popup Form

designing an interactive popup form

When creating the Mailchimp popup form, consider using a time delay to ensure it appears at an opportune moment for visitors. Adding a time delay before the pop-up form appears can help prevent it from interrupting the user experience.

In WordPress, Mailchimp provides an easy way to embed subscriber pop-up forms on your website. To create the pop-up form, go to the Mailchimp dashboard, navigate to the ‘Audience’ tab, and select ‘Signup Forms’. Then, choose the ‘Subscriber pop-up’ form type and customize it to match your website’s branding. You can also set the time delay for when the pop-up form should appear, ensuring it doesn’t immediately disrupt the visitor’s browsing experience.


Additionally, the design, form fields, and trigger settings can be personalized to help maximize the effectiveness of the pop-up form. By creating and customizing a Mailchimp pop-up form with a time delay, you can help ensure that it provides value to visitors and encourages them to subscribe without being intrusive.

Generating Popup Code

Using a suitable plugin or Mailchimp blocks, the pop-up code can be easily generated for your website.

To make a Mailchimp pop-up form, start by logging into your Mailchimp account and navigating to the ‘Audience’ tab. Then, click on ‘Signup forms’ and select ‘Subscriber pop-up’.

Next, customize the form fields and design to ensure the pop-up signup form works best for your website. Mailchimp provides a guide to help you edit the form and tailor it to your specific needs.

Once you’re satisfied with the design and settings, Mailchimp will generate the code for your pop-up form. For websites with plugin support, the Insert Headers and Footers plugin is recommended to embed the signup form code into the website’s head section.


If your website doesn’t support plugins, Mailchimp blocks can be used to incorporate the pop-up form. Remember to set the pop-up to appear after a certain time, as recommended, and utilize the help articles provided by Mailchimp for further assistance in generating and customizing the pop-up code.

Adding Code to WordPress

wordpress code customization guide

After generating the code for your Mailchimp pop-up form, the next step is to seamlessly add it to your WordPress website using a suitable plugin or Mailchimp blocks.

When adding the code to WordPress, consider the following steps:

  • Utilize a WordPress Plugin: Look for a reliable WordPress plugin that supports Mailchimp integration. Install and activate the plugin, then follow the plugin’s instructions to connect your site to Mailchimp and add the pop-up signup form.
  • Use Mailchimp Blocks: If your website doesn’t support plugins, you can utilize Mailchimp blocks to add the pop-up form. Simply navigate to the Integrations page on Mailchimp, connect your site, and use the Mailchimp block to add the embedded signup form directly within your WordPress editor.
  • Customize the Appearance: After adding the pop-up form, ensure it appears at the desired time to enhance user experience. Additionally, customize the form’s appearance and behavior directly within Mailchimp without the need to edit the code again.

Customizing Popup Display

To customize the popup display, adjust the timing and frequency to ensure it appears after a specific period, rather than immediately. This allows the audience to engage with your website before the popup appears, increasing the likelihood of subscription. In addition, customizing the form design and content, including fonts, colors, and layout, is essential for aligning with your website’s branding and capturing the audience’s attention. Utilize triggers such as scrolling, exit intent, or specific actions to control when the popup form displays, ensuring it appears at the most opportune moments. Implement A/B testing to optimize the performance of the popup form, enabling you to determine the most effective design and messaging for your audience. Lastly, utilize analytics tools to track the effectiveness of the popup form and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvements.

Customizing Popup Display
Adjust timing and frequencyCustomize form design and contentUtilize triggers
Implement A/B testingUtilize analytics tools

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Add a Mailchimp Pop-Up to My WordPress Site?

We can add a Mailchimp pop-up to our WordPress site by using a plugin like OptinMonster or Sumo, which allows for easy integration and customization.

We should also consider using Formidable Forms to enhance the pop-up forms with powerful customization options and subscriber segmentation.

Additionally, it’s important to configure the pop-up to appear after a certain time to improve the user experience.


How Do I Create a Mailchimp Popup?

We create a Mailchimp popup by following these steps:

  1. Access our Mailchimp account and navigate to the Audience dashboard.
  2. Select the Signup forms and choose the Form builder option.
  3. Customize the popup’s design and settings to fit our website’s branding and user experience needs.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Embed the popup code into our WordPress site to make it live.

Why Is My Mailchimp Popup Not Showing WordPress?

Well, turns out our Mailchimp popup wasn’t showing on WordPress because we’d the site set to private or Coming Soon mode. Once we fixed that, it displayed just fine.

Also, we learned to set the popup to appear after a certain time, not immediately, for better user experience.

Plus, we made sure our browser’s cookie storage wasn’t preventing repeated displays.

Now it’s working like a charm!

How Do I Embed a Mailchimp Newsletter in WordPress?

We embed a Mailchimp newsletter in WordPress by utilizing the Mailchimp block.


First, we ensure the website supports plugins or use the Mailchimp block for non-plugin sites.

Then, we customize the pop-up to appear after a specific time. This enhances the signup form’s design and functionality, ensuring seamless integration with our website and compatibility with third-party platforms.

This approach captures visitor attention, encourages email sign-ups, and drives conversions effectively.


So, there you have it! By following these simple steps, we’ve successfully set up a Mailchimp popup on our WordPress site.

Now, whenever visitors come to our website, they’ll be greeted with a stylish and effective popup form that will help us capture more leads and grow our email list.


With Mailchimp, it’s easy to create eye-catching popups that will engage our audience and drive more conversions.

Let’s watch our email list grow!

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Email Marketing Tools and Techniques

How to Add a Calendar Invite to Mailchimp

Discover the game-changing method of adding calendar invites to Mailchimp emails that will boost event attendance and customer engagement.




calendar invite integration tutorial

Are you prepared to elevate your Mailchimp email campaigns by incorporating calendar invites? Let’s explore how you can smoothly add calendar invitations to your Mailchimp emails.

It’s a game-changer for boosting event attendance and increasing customer engagement. But how exactly do you go about doing this? Stick around to learn the step-by-step process of adding a calendar invite to Mailchimp and discover the benefits it can bring to your email marketing strategy.

Key Takeaways

  • Locating the event link in Google Calendar and Outlook involves accessing the event, clicking on ‘Edit event’, and selecting ‘Publish Event’ to find the event link.
  • In Outlook, the event link can be found by clicking on the Settings gear icon, selecting ‘View all Outlook settings’, navigating to the Calendar section, and clicking on Shared Calendars to find the event link.
  • Creating a calendar event link in Mailchimp requires navigating to the Content section of the campaign builder, using a Text content block to insert and highlight the event URL, and clicking the link icon in the toolbar to ensure the link supports http, https, and ICS files.
  • Connecting AddEvent Calendar Links in Mailchimp involves creating an AddEvent account, installing the AddEvent Calendar Links app, accessing the event in Google Calendar or Outlook, copying the event URL, and inserting it within the Mailchimp email content by highlighting the URL and using the link icon.

Locate Event Link in Google Calendar

Locating the event link in Google Calendar is a straightforward process. First, access the event and click on ‘Edit event.’ Then, reveal the URL by selecting ‘Publish Event’ from the options.

Once the event is open for editing, click on the three vertical dots and select ‘Publish Event.’ This will display the URL in the ‘Link to Event’ field.

This link can then be easily added to emails or platforms like Mailchimp for sharing upcoming events seamlessly. Understanding how to locate event links in Google Calendar is essential for effective communication and promotion of events.

By mastering this process, users can efficiently add events and share event links with their audience. Furthermore, this knowledge can be extended to other platforms and integrations, such as syncing Calendly invitees with Mailchimp and utilizing the AddEvent Calendar Links integration in the new email builder.


Ultimately, mastering the process of locating event links in Google Calendar empowers users to streamline their event promotion and communication efforts.

Locate Event Link in Outlook

finding event link in outlook

After mastering the process of locating event links in Google Calendar, it’s important to understand how to find the event link in Outlook for seamless integration with Mailchimp and effective event promotion.

To locate the event link in Outlook, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Settings gear icon.
  2. Select ‘View all Outlook settings.’
  3. Navigate to the Calendar section.
  4. Click on Shared Calendars to find the event link.

Once in the Shared Calendars section, we can copy the URL from the ‘Can view all details’ section. This URL can then be used to create a calendar event link to add to your Mailchimp email using the instructions provided.

Remember to test the links before sending the campaign and customize the appearance of the add-to-calendar links in your email for a seamless user experience. Accessing email and chat support within your Mailchimp account can also be helpful if you encounter any issues during this process.

Create a Calendar Event Link

To create a calendar event link within Mailchimp, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Content section of the campaign builder and select ‘Edit Design.’
  2. Using a Text content block, insert and highlight the event URL copied from the calendar.
  3. Click the link icon in the toolbar.

When adding the event link, make sure it supports the http and https protocols, as well as ICS (iCalendar) files to ensure compatibility within the campaign.

For Google Calendar, the event link can be found by following these steps:

  1. Click on the event in Google Calendar.
  2. Select ‘Edit event.’
  3. Click the three vertical dots.
  4. Choose ‘Publish Event’ to copy the URL from the ‘Link to Event’ field.

In the case of Outlook, locate the event link by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Settings gear icon in Outlook.
  2. Select ‘View all Outlook settings.’
  3. Click ‘Calendar.’
  4. Choose ‘Shared Calendars’ to copy the URL from the ‘Can view all details’ section.

Creating an event link allows recipients to seamlessly add the event to their calendar, maximizing engagement and attendance. By following these steps, you can effectively incorporate calendar event links into your marketing emails using Mailchimp’s new email builder.

Connect AddEvent Calendar Links

integrate addevent calendar links

Incorporating AddEvent Calendar Links into Mailchimp campaigns enhances the ease and efficiency of adding events to recipients’ calendars, strengthening engagement and maximizing attendance.

To connect AddEvent Calendar Links, start by creating an AddEvent account and installing the AddEvent Calendar Links app. Once installed, finding the information you need is easy.

For Google Calendar, simply click on the event, select ‘Edit event’, and then ‘Publish Event’ to copy the URL from the ‘Link to Event’ field.

For Outlook, click on the Settings gear icon, select ‘View all Outlook settings’, then ‘Calendar’, and finally ‘Shared Calendars’ to copy the URL from the ‘Can view all details’ section.

After obtaining the event link, you can easily insert it within your Mailchimp email content. Edit the design, insert the event URL, highlight it, click the link icon, choose the web address, enter the click-through link, and click ‘Insert’.

By incorporating AddEvent Calendar Links, you keep your audience informed about upcoming Calendar Events, and ultimately boost attendance.


If you encounter any issues, contact Support to resolve them and ensure a seamless process.

Disconnect AddEvent Calendar Links

Upon disconnecting AddEvent Calendar Links, users can access the Apps section in Mailchimp to select the Disconnect option for AddEvent Calendar Links.

When disconnecting the AddEvent Calendar Links, any information previously added using the app will remain in the content block until it’s manually removed.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the different content block types in the new email builder and understand content performance in campaign reports to optimize your email campaigns effectively.

Additionally, paid users can easily find technical assistance and guidance by accessing email and chat support. If you need further help, Mailchimp provides a range of help articles to assist with any questions or concerns.


Furthermore, to provide feedback or suggestions for improvement, users can submit their feedback through the provided options, ensuring that their input is heard and considered for future updates.

Disconnecting AddEvent Calendar Links is an easy process that allows users to manage their account and create impactful email campaigns with the new email builder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Add a Calendar Invite to Mailchimp Email?

Yes, we can add a calendar invite to a Mailchimp email. By inserting a calendar event link from Google Calendar or Outlook into the email content, recipients can easily add the event to their calendars.

This enhances engagement, boosts event attendance, and improves the overall user experience. We’ll guide you through the process, ensuring your audience can effortlessly stay informed and organized.

Does Mailchimp Have a Calendar Feature?

Yes, Mailchimp has a calendar feature.


It allows users to create and customize add-to-calendar links in their emails using the AddEvent Calendar Links integration.

This feature enables us to share events and calendars with our audience and provides testing and customization options for the links.

Additionally, Mailchimp offers resources such as video tutorials and support teams for assistance with using add-to-calendar links in our emails.

How Do I Embed a Calendar Invite?

We embed a calendar invite in Mailchimp by following these steps:

  1. Create event links in Google Calendar or Outlook.
  2. Add the event link to a Mailchimp campaign.
  3. In the campaign builder, edit the design.
  4. Insert the event URL and highlight it.
  5. Click the link icon in the toolbar.
  6. Choose Web address.
  7. Enter the click-through link.

Is There a Way to Add a Calendar Invite to an Email?

Yes, there’s a way to add a calendar invite to an email.

You can create a calendar event link by editing the campaign, inserting the event URL, and customizing the appearance and functionality of the link before sending the campaign. This allows recipients to easily add the event to their calendar.


Additionally, for assistance, you can sync Calendly with Mailchimp or use the AddEvent Calendar Links integration in the new email builder for further support.


In conclusion, adding calendar invites to your Mailchimp emails is a simple way to increase engagement and event attendance.

By providing a convenient way for customers to add events to their calendars, you can make it easier for them to stay connected with your brand.

So, don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost interaction with your audience and make sure your events are on their radar.

It’s like giving them a front row seat to all your happenings.

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